Yambu 👋🏾 

Welcome to my blog. I write about growth through a variety of topics. Enjoy :) 

#GivingTuesday from the perspective of an 8 year old - Parent Followup

#GivingTuesday from the perspective of an 8 year old - Parent Followup

Philanthropy is part of me. It shapes so much of what I feel, think, and do. So, it is fitting that the word is in my current job title. What this means for our children is that they get to learn about civic engagement, social good, resource sharing, and equity quite early in their lives. Take today for instance. It is #GivingTuesday, an international day of generosity dedicated to supporting the good work taking place in our communities.

I spend some of my time today executing part of my organization’s #GivingTuesday campaign. It was nothing elaborate, but Carl (our 8 year old) read an email that has been sent out to the organization’s supporters. I jokingly asked if he wanted to donate, and he said yes. He then decided he wanted to give $40 from his cash fund to Shepherd’s Clinic. His cash fund is minimal, so I was shocked that he wanted to give that much.

After he made this decision, I reminded him that he shares the cash fund with his siblings. And so, he took the next logical step. He asked his brother if they should give $20, $40, or $0. Baby brother said no way, but our firstborn is unrelenting when he has put his mind on something. He explained to his brother that the money will go to support uninsured people. He used the example of the cost of his eyeglasses. You can read his version of this story for the details.

By the end of this conversation, they agreed to give $40 to Shepherd’s Clinic. I proudly helped Carl make the donation. This amount might not seem like a lot, but what it represents is priceless. This boy of ours has an eye for fancy things. When he was 4, he decided that his future car will be a Lamborghini until he has a family and buys a more practical make. He is clearly determined to make this happen even today, and while he enjoys the finer things in life, I want him to also always think of those less fortunate. Even if he decides to live like us when he’s older, my hope is that this giving spirit will stick with him. I honestly can’t wait to see all the great things to come.

This whole incident reminded me of a few things that I never want forget in my parenting journey.

  1. They are always watching. They might not remember the things we say, but they will remember the things we consistently do.

  2. I want all of our children to be true to themselves always, even if that means making a choice that I wouldn’t make myself. All we have to do is provide loving guidance with a goal of instilling wholeness and self-discipline.

  3. One of our priorities is to provide a home environment that fosters physical and emotional growth, curiosity, and a sense of adventure. The benefits of this are endless.

  4. We are never to miss an opportunity to connect - at least as often as possible. Our children seem to always be hovering over our shoulders, reading work and personal emails or text messages that have nothing to do with them. When this happens to me, it often means that they haven’t had enough time with me. This is how Carl came to read my #GivingTuesday email today. If I hadn’t taken the time to talk to him about when he asked, the day would have ended differently.

  5. Alone time still matters. Our physical and emotional well-being as parents matter, too. Being self-aware enough to know when to take a break breeds the kind of environment I described above.

This parenting gig is one of the greatest teachers. It amazes me every single day and fills me with an inextinguishable joy. It teaches me to forgive quickly and celebrate every moment I can. It shows me that hard times don’t last always. It reminds me that even if I get a lot of things wrong, I am bound to do something right that will shape a brighter future for someone. I will take that any day.

A turning point in American unity

A turning point in American unity

#GivingTuesday from the perspective of an 8 year old

#GivingTuesday from the perspective of an 8 year old