A turning point in American unity
A week ago, we witnessed an incident that shocked our nation even though millions of Americans were not surprised. Watching a group of people - nearly all white - storm into the Capitol building was surreal in many ways. It played out like a painful movie, but so has most of American history. Since that day, reactions have come in many forms. Some people in my life are hurting and fearful of what could follow. Others continue to support those who stormed the Capitol.
I have been thinking a lot about the long term impact of what took place. Will this attack and its aftermath give birth to new truth seekers who examine what they are told before they believe it? Will it bring us more peace lovers who think twice before engaging in violence, whether or not the police will react? Will it result in more open dialogue about the injustice that has always existed in this country? My hope is that the answer to all of these questions is yes.
Let’s start with the politicians who have decided to walk away from the Trump administration since the Capitol was attacked. I have seen a lot of cynicism about their decisions to leave. There is no doubt that many of them are ending their tenure with the administration for self serving reasons. However, I wonder how many of them have truly met their turning point in what they believe and how they engage with people. Could it be that, for some of them, this terrible event is what it took for them to open their eyes to what millions have known to be true? I truly hope so. And I truly hope the same for the followers of Trump who have expressed disbelief in how long and far the administration has misled them. I watched a clip of some of the attackers and saw the pain in their eyes because they truly hung unto every piece of disinformation they have heard. Some of them really thought they were saving something valuable, not realizing that they were serving an individual who couldn’t care less for them or anyone else.
In order for this last week to be a turning point for all Americans, we have to accept that it is time to address the root causes of our troubles. Poverty makes people worship wealth even if it comes with dangerous rhetoric and actions. Racism makes it impossible for otherwise intelligent people to recognize what their privilege can buy them and how it affects BIPOC communities. Failure to embrace our common humanity results in atrocities that take away the hope we need to continue building a better country for all. I would need to write an entire book to talk about the problems we face as a nation. For now, like everyone else, I am praying for a smooth transition of power and a step towards healing.