Have you ever been tempted to cheat on your spouse?
If I am being honest, I have been tempted many times. And before I got any further, let’s get your mind on the right track. The kind of cheating I am talking about is probably ok in the grand scheme of things. It happens when you are really into a show. It’s your couple-show, not one of those you watch by yourself. You both enjoy watching this show together and something inside begs you not to every time you consider watching alone.
For me, it mostly happens when Husband dearest falls asleep in the middle of a really captivating episode. We are usually anywhere between one and two episodes in. The main character has come up with some mind-spinning plan to do something that seems impossible. I am at the edge of my seat. And then I take slight turn to my right to see if he’s as in as deep in as I am. At this point in our marriage, I am no longer surprised to discover he is already in dreamland. Sometimes, I nudge a little to ask if he still wants to watch. If the answer is silence, I know it’s time to turn it off.
Turn it off or keep watching alone? Most of the time, I switch to one of my me-shows without question. I do enjoy hanging out with the guy watching these things after all. But every once in a blue moon, I wonder. Should I just keep watching? We can rewind next time, can’t we? The guilt won’t let me, though.
My brain goes from what would I want him to do if I fell asleep to will I tell him when we rewatch to is it even as fun without him? By the end of it, it’s not even worth an internal debate. There are just shows I prefer to watch in his company, no matter how tempting it is to binge after he has fallen asleep.
To be fair, I have fallen asleep mid-episode, too. It’s happening more lately because I have been more exhausted than I can remember. When it happens, he turns it off as far as I know. So, back to my original question. Have you been tempted to cheat on your spouse? How do you handle it? What shows do you watch together? Let’s see if we can add one to our list. :)